ian's organizations

These are univeristies and their respecitve student organizations. Updated with new addresses and logos where applicable.

At UC San Diego:

University of California, San Diego
Maureen and I went to UCSD for our undergrad degrees, and I went back here for my Master's in Electrical Engineering.

The Asian-Pacific Islander Student Association
I started and maintained this page until I graduated, at which point the new webmaster Chris Murphy took over. He has done wonders with it, but still keeping the original message.

Catholic Community at UCSD
This Newman Center is the Catholic student community for UCSD. Maureen and I met here in 1996 and still go here because it is insightful, practical, and teaches true compassion and critical religious thinking and ecumenicalism.

Chinese Students & Scholars Association

Kaibigang Pilipino
KP has cultural events for the Filipino culture and provides a forum for social issues. The big events are High School Conference, an outreach program, and the Pilipino Cultural Celebration with cultural dances and skits.

Korean American Student Association

Thai Culture Club

Vietnamese Student Association

Check your email, view the schedule of classes, check if classes are full, see your past grades, or see a block diagram of your own schedule.

Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services
I used to work here as a Math/Science tutor! Get quick and helpful hints on your classes, especially lower-division or popular upper-division. Or sign up for a workshop that meets regularly every week.

The Koala
This is the satire paper of UCSD. Nothing is sacred here. Parental discretion advised.

Other campuses:

Yale University
Maureen went here for her M.S. in Epidemiology and Public Health.

San Diego State University

Asian Pacific Student Alliance
SDSU has APSA too. Page still under construction.

The University of the Philippines
My dad went here. This link goes to the site for the campus at Diliman. The other campus' websites are accessible from here.

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